Thursday, Apr. 26, 5:30-9:00 p.m. –  Charm City Run, 467 West Patrick St, Frederick, MD

Charm City Run will be hosting this month’s Happy Hour and Education Nite. We will kick things off with an optional 3-mile run at 5:30. The main event starts at 6:00 with a presentation on Generation UCAN and high-fat diets for runner by Denay Gray, who is part of the Charm City Run Training Team. Generation UCAN offers a line of nutrition products to keep you healthy, fit and energized. Several elites and coaches, including Meb Keflezighi and Greg McMillan, as well as everyday athletes have been using these products to help with performance and recovery. After the presentation you can talk to Denay about the products, catch up with fellow Steeplechasers, as well as doing a little shopping. This is a perfect time to stock up on things before the Frederick Half Marathon. Charm City Run will be providing food and drinks (beer and wine).

Please RSVP to the event via Facebook or by emailing so we can ensure enough food and beer for everyone!

We hope to see you there.

Heidi and Pam
(Social Committee and Education Committee)
