Training Programs

Whether just beginning to run or training for a new distance or PR, the Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club has a training program to help you meet your goals.

FSRC Training Programs, led by volunteer coaches, target specific races. Each program includes a formal training plan and group runs. Our Spires youth program specifically meets the developmental needs of youth runners ages 7-14 years old.

Marathon Training Program

Half Marathon Training Program

Women’s 5k Training Program

Coed 5k Training Program

Trail 50k Training Program

10K Training Program

Spires Youth Running

All training programs are open to current, paid members of the Steeplechasers. Adult training programs are offered to members at no cost; a nominal fee for the Spires Youth training program supports team shirts and awards/incentives.

Want to train with us, but not a member yet? Join now!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer coach or pacer for one of our training programs, or interested in joining the Training Programs Committee, please contact