We really do have the most diverse and amazing members! I would love to share your stories, accomplishments or anything else you would like to share. Please send them to barb.meely@staging.steeplechasers.org.
This week, we’re hearing from Tim O’Keefe.

“I’ve been a Steeplechasers member for 41 years…I’m pretty sure I’m the oldest active Steep!
I didn’t join the Steeplechasers immediately after moving to Frederick because I knew nothing about how to Steeplechase. After running a race and meeting a few members, I signed up. I thought it would be great to have connections to local races but what I found out was that the people connections were more valuable. Having other runners to share stories, train with, and get tips from made running a lot more fun.
My first marathon was pre-Steeplechasers and was done on 25 miles a week and a long run of 8 miles. I ran a 1:30 half and a very painful 2:25 second half. Training with and talking to Steeplechasers post-marathon, I learned A LOT and did not repeat my mistakes the second time. A big plus now was that I had a group friends who were doing the marathon along with me and were out cheering me on. My first ultra was terrific fun as I had good advice from other Steeps in how to run and train for an ultra.
So, now we are in this COVID-19 funk with a lot of solo runs and missing the social part of races. The Steeplechasers are still there providing advice, sharing training stories and tips, and, if you can compete with the Leahys, doing scavenger-hunt runs. The club is even providing virtual training and virtual races!
Being a member of the Steeplechasers has been my ticket to get through the current crisis and get the support I need to continue the sport I love!”
We would love to share your stories, accomplishments or anything else you would like to share! If you would like to be featured here, please send your story to barb.meely@staging.steeplechasers.org.