Join us post Frederick Running Festival to learn more about recovery and our bodies.  Spend the night with hands on (well mostly legs on!) activities.

Presenters are : David Levine D.P.M. , Jennifer Bell D.P.M , Mark Acierno, PT and Wray Pianta, PT

David and Mark we will have several stations for people to rotate through.

  • Alter G — an anti gravity treadmill that let’s you “dial in” how much impact your steps have. It’s like running on the moon! great for recovery from injuries when you want to minimize impact
  • Swimming pool — pool rehab. Bring a swimsuit and learn about water recovery options
  • Treadmill — (PT & Podiatry) we will provide screening running gait analysis
  • New Balance — Table set up with shoe options and expertise to explain
  • Foot screening — Dr. Bell and I will be available to answer questions


