This non-competitive, untimed 5K is a celebration of our spring season’s program participant’s awesomeness. Community runners are encouraged to take part in this low-key, high-energy event. Walkers, runners, joggers, and skippers of all ages, genders, and ability levels are welcome! This is the perfect event for those who’ve just begun running or those intimidated by the thought of entering a competitive event. 

Click HERE to register for GOTR Mid Maryland’s, Frederick County Spring 5K.  Click HERE for more information on GOTR Mid Maryland.

Our 3rd – 8th-Grade GOTR Girls, their running buddies, and community runners will be treated to a course with three separately distinctive sections. First, they’ll wend their way cross-country style in the grass around the outer perimeter of the park and past Middletown Park’s lake and frisbee golf course. Transitioning from grass to pavement, they’ll run a loop through a neighborhood to the east and then retrace their steps back into the park. Shortly after re-entering the park, our participants will begin another neighborhood tour, this time to the south. The smiling GOTR girls (and their Running Buddies) will wend their way back toward the finish line via the neighborhood’s sidewalks, re-entering the park again just prior to crossing the finish line where friends and family will be gleefully cheering for all!

The Spring 5K is also an important fundraiser for GOTR Mid & Western Maryland, raising funds that allow us to bring the program to more locations and to make a difference in more young girls’ lives!

