Intervals Blog

  • FSRC Officers & Key Volunteers

    FSRC Officers & Key Volunteers

    President – Jill CameronVice President – Eric CameronSecretary – Nicole DavisTreasurer – Harriet Langlois Board of Directors – Brent Ayer, Pam Geernaert, Lou King, Mark Lawrence, Tim O’Keefe, John StuartCalendar – Mike KearneyCompetition – Shannon Matthews & Ruth TaylorCommunications, Bimonthly News Blast – Anne ShubertCommunications, Intervals Blog – …

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  • President’s Message

    President’s Message

    Even with our crazy, rainy season, our FSRC family has been able to run numerous miles on the roads and the trails this summer. The social media posts have been filled with all the different places our members have run, and it has been a joy to see the accomplishments and adventures of so many.…

    Read more: President’s Message
  • Never too Late for Olympic Dreams

    Never too Late for Olympic Dreams

    by Ruth Taylor Who hasn’t ever dreamed of competing at the Olympic Games? Having reached the milestone birthday of 50 this year, I knew that my Olympic dream was well beyond me. Or so I thought. Then I realized the Senior Olympics, also known as the National Senior Games, may be an opportunity both for…

    Read more: Never too Late for Olympic Dreams
  • Help! I’m in a Running Slump!

    Help! I’m in a Running Slump!

    by Jennifer Hallberg So, you’ve been a regular runner for a while now. And at first, everything was great. You loved running. You couldn’t get enough of that runner’s high, and the thought of training for your next goal was exhilarating. For the most part, you looked forward to your planned runs, and you typically…

    Read more: Help! I’m in a Running Slump!
  • FASTER IN THE PAST:  Mr. Metcalfe

    FASTER IN THE PAST: Mr. Metcalfe

    by Brent Ayer In early 1978, I was a 23-year old neophyte staffer for U.S. Representative Goodloe E. Byron. I was given a fancy title, “Field Representative.” In fact, I was the congressman’s driver. I had no back-ground in politics and little idea what I was doing. Ninety percent of my job interview questions were…

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  • Carbohydrate Needs for Endurance Runners

    Carbohydrate Needs for Endurance Runners

    by Julie Harris, RD Proteins vs. fats vs. carbohydrates. Despite what the media wants you to think, you need all three. And if you’re training for an endurance event, you especially need carbohydrates. For those of you who made it to Education Night, we reviewed the biochemistry of the macronutrient, the research, and the recommendations.…

    Read more: Carbohydrate Needs for Endurance Runners
  • Racing Team Results

    Racing Team Results

    June 2018 – August 2018 Date               Race                                                  Athlete / Results 2018-08-11 Blue Crab Bolt Little Bennett 10k Ruth Taylor 57:15 (1st AG) 2018-08-05 Dog Days 8k Ruth Taylor 42:15 (1st AG) 2018-08-04 Women’s Distance Festival Claire Heasman 19:11 (3rd overall, 1st Masters) 2018-08-04 Race to the Wall 10k Chris VanSant 40:19 (1st overall) 2018-07-21…

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  • FSRC Officers & Key Volunteers

    FSRC Officers & Key Volunteers

    President – Jill Cameron Vice President – Eric Cameron Secretary – Nicole Davis Treasurer – Harriet Langlois Board of Directors – Brent Ayer, Pam Geernaert, Lou King, Mark Lawrence, Tim O’Keefe, John Stuart Calendar – Jenny Hallberg Competition – Shannon Matthews & Ruth Taylor Communications & Bimonthly News Blast – Anne Shubert Community Liaison –…

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  • President’s Message

    President’s Message

    Spring is always such an exciting time for runners. We are setting goals and getting ready for summer running events. The winter, and hopefully the rain, has dispersed. My favorite time to run in the spring is at dawn. Nothing is better. Watching the sun rise and enjoying the cool air is refreshing and invigorating.…

    Read more: President’s Message
  • Ouch! Now What?

    Ouch! Now What?

    by Nicole Davis, DPT Sooner or later it happens to even elite runners. Maybe it’s sudden and dramatic – the flip of an ankle on a section of raised sidewalk in Downtown Frederick. Maybe it’s a little twinge of the shin during the final weeks of training for your next half marathon. Ouch! Now what?…

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