Mark your calendars: The Annual FSRC Summer Picnic is back for 2021. Details below.


It’s been too long since we’ve all had a chance to gather and celebrate the amazing running community here with the Frederick Steeplechasers. This is a wonderful opportunity to come out with your fellow runners and catch up on everyone’s summer. If you’re new to the club, it’s a great way to meet more people.


There’ll be food, drinks, games, music, and great company (and as a bonus, the Decathlon awards will be announced!)


Saturday, August 21st

12:30-5:00 pm

UticaDistrict Park (Shelter #1)

A link to RSVP will be posted on the Steeplechasers Facebook page, and sent out with the July newsletter. We can’t wait to see you all again, and hope you’re enjoying a picture-perfect summer so far.

