Jan. 16 8:00 a.m. – 3, 6, and 9 mile options – Billy and Risa Clem are the hosts. They live in Frederick – to RSVP with the food item you will bring and get directions, e-mail risaclem@yahoo.com or billykeyc@gmail.com…
Jan. 30 6:00-9:00 p.m. – Delaplaine Arts Center – $15 for members and $20 for non-members. BYOB due to liquor liability insurance issues. Dinner and soft drinks provided. Limited to 120 attendees so register now at BANQUET.…
The MD RRCA Club Challenge 10M (Feb 28 in Howard County) registration is now open. This event is only open to paid club members, so if you would like to run this and you are not a member or have not renewed, this would be a great time to join or renew. See https://staging.steeplechasers.org/membership/join/ Race…
The minutes from the last board meeting have been posted here. The board meeting minutes will be visible from now on by clicking on News > Board Meeting Minutes from the menu, which will take you to https://staging.steeplechasers.org/news/board-meeting-minutes/.…
This just in – Sage Norton and Shannon Matthews have agreed to chair the competition committee, replacing Cassy Crouse and Chad Ahalt who have been doing this task for as long as I have been involved with the club. This will take place officially after the banquet. Replacing Sage as chair of the racing team…
Congratulations to all the Steeplechaser members who participated in the MD Grand Prix Series. Special congratulations to Ruth Taylor (2nd place overall), Steve Dobson (1st place 50-54), Malcolm Senior (1st place 60-64), Bruce Attavian (1st place 65-69), Art Gregory (1st place 70-74). No disrespect intended to the other FSRC members who did well in these…
Results from the Goodloe Byron 10 Mile Run have been posted. Steeps Only Results: https://staging.steeplechasers.org/scoretility/seriesresults/110 Full Results: https://staging.steeplechasers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Byron2015.pdf Current Grand Prix Standings: https://staging.steeplechasers.org/scoretility/viewstandings/?club=fsrc&series=grandprix&desc=Frederick+Steeplechasers+Running+Club+-+2015+grandprix&year=2015…
Cold weather is settling in again and to keep us motivated to run in the winter we have breakfast runs. Here’s how it works: the host plans a couple of routes of different distances (starting/finishing at their home) and provides maps/directions to the attendees. Everyone brings a breakfast dish to share. Here are the available…
With almost all of us running in the dark this time of year, be extra certain to BE SEEN. There are so many ways to be seen by motorists, bicyclists, and other pedestrians. Highly reflective hats, shirts, jackets, shorts and long running pants are a good idea. Consider running with a headlamp that has a…
Please go to this link to read the latest message from Lou King, Club President – https://staging.steeplechasers.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-11-Presidents-Message-v4.pdf …
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